Call Centres are notoriously complex environments, where customer service advisors have to balance the needs of customers and the business in 1-2-1 phone calls which in many cases lead to frustration. ScottishPower believed their customers and staff deserved better, so enlisted Waracle to turn their Digital Transformation call centre aspirations into a reality.
Waracle's experts rapidly analysed the current CSA support solution, sought feedback from users and considered how modern technologies could integrate into older legacy systems. By identifying bottlenecks, streamlining processes, and enhancing the value of each interaction, the solution provided value to hardworking CSAs on the frontline.
We helped give CSAs access to real time call scripts, which supported call efficiency data and a direct uplift on targeted deal sales. This in turn helped staff retention as CSAs felt supported and empowered, and also helped shift the dial on customer satisfaction.
Uplift in sales of targeted deals
Reduction in staff attrition
Head of Digital, ScottishPower